mardi 3 novembre 2015

How to cook chard, The modus operandi of Cheesecake oven

You can cook chard on multiple images and a variety of ways, including the way the stuffed chard, where is prepared filling in a certain way and Ptetbilh distinctive, and then are placed padding boiling and wrapped completely Mka are wrapped grape leaves, and in this article is the modus operandi of stuffed chard easy and unique way. The way the dish stuffed with chard Ingredients (200) grams of minced meat. Cup and a quarter cup of rice. (1 fourths) cup of lemon juice. (1) a large tablespoon of butter. Salt to taste. Black pepper to taste. Bharat problem. Carey. (1/2) kilogram of Swiss chard leaves. Prepare the dish stuffed with chard National Soak rice in water, and then descriptive of rice water. Bring the pot and where my meat, rice, salt, black pepper and spices and curry problem, and Dress mixing the ingredients well to become homogeneous. National good wash chard leaves, and then Bring as much as my situation with water and put it on the fire, and after that boil water, put boiling and leave papers for about 10 seconds and then Arfieha and put them in cold water and then descriptive water from boiling. National cut chard leaves to reasonable size and veins Drain parts. National stuffed chard Temtema are also stuffing grape leaves. Place some of the veins boiling in the pot base and then Rsa chard stuffed paper in the pot. Put the pot over low heat for an hour and a half, and before that Trfie much from the fire add the lemon juice and you can also use lemon salt to boiling give sour taste, and leave the pot on the fire for about 5 minutes. You can make a stuffed chard with milk.

Cheesecake to prepare delicious and scrumptious from home, we recommend the article that will help you in reading the creativity of cheesecake The bottom layer of cheesecake you need the following components: 2 cups of crushed biscuits A tablespoon of cocoa powder 6 tablespoons of butter and must be pre-dissolved You need to mix the cheese: 3 pieces of Chocolate A bag of jelly 500 grams of cream cheese A large tray and one from the center milk One cup of liquid precious Two tablespoons of coffee The upper layer: Cup of precious Two tablespoons of cocoa Preparation method steps: 1. Bring a moving mold is a medium-sized 2. We start preparing the bottom layer: is placed biscuits, melted butter, cocoa powder, in a deep mold, and are mixing ingredients and stir until getting a homogeneous mixture, the mixture is placed her in the bottom of the mold and should be equal in all parties, After that nationalist-cum-refrigerator for one to two hours. 3. To prepare the cheese: it is cracking cut Chocolate 4. gelatin is placed at a side dish, and add a little water to him until it melts, stirring until it melts a little gelatin 5 - in another dish add coffee, a little water 6. Keep the cheese in a blender, precious liquid and condensed milk, mix ingredients until homogeneous 7. is placed half the amount of the mixture into the mold, which is in the refrigerator and put chocolates and also put two tablespoons of cocoa 8. Add the rest of the cheese mixture to him a little coffee, and Nqlbhm and this mixture is put into the mold also 9. The template is put in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours (you can prepare for the night and leave in the refrigerator until the morning) 10. To prepare the top layer is placed stones in a blender, and then are placed in an open bag from the bottom or a small hole in one of the private decking and tools are distributed to cheesecake.

The way the beans, Action Ks Iraqi chicken

Are the types of pulses animate Filqtin, vary beans for several types including: green, and white, and red, and yellow, and black, and broad beans, all of which provide the body with a range of vitamins and minerals and the necessary fiber to the process of metabolism, as it is rich in folic acid, and antioxidants that give young people for the skin and protects it from the pyramid. Methods of preparing beans vary according to its kind, and we will mention in this article some of the roads. Beans prepared with pieces of meat the ingredients Kilo green beans. Half a kilo meat bird head. Large onion finely chopped. Tablespoon of olive oil. Teaspoon of minced garlic. Six cups of tomato juice. Two cups of hot water. Salt and black pepper to taste. Hot green pepper to taste. How to prepare Cut off the heads of national beans and disposal, then rinse and slice to cut medium-sized. In a pot on the fire, add a tablespoon of olive oil, then add the onion, garlic, chili, and my heart ingredients until the onion wilts. Add the pieces of meat in the pot after thoroughly washed with cold water, and even a little Houhaha changes color. Add the hot water and shut the pot and leave it on low heat for half an hour. Put the beans chopped after being washed, and Qlbhe with pieces of meat, and leave for an hour until cooked perfectly. Add the tomato juice and toss with other ingredients, and leave on the fire until Tzbk. Doing beans with salt and black pepper. The feet of a hot dish with a dish of white rice Muffil, and some types of pickles. Prepare beans with oil, garlic and lemon the ingredients Half a kilo of beans centuries demilitarized heads. A quarter cup of olive oil. A quarter cup of lemon juice. A tablespoon of minced garlic. Teaspoon of salt and black pepper. Chopped green coriander for garnish. How to prepare Wash centuries beans, then put them in hot water on the fire, and national Bslq beans as they are without chopping for a period of forty-five minutes. Ancla centuries beans and put them immediately in cold water so as to preserve the green color, and leave for ten minutes. In a small bowl nationalist prepare sauce by adding a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, black pepper, and my heart sauce ingredients together, then my class centuries beans in a serving dish, and the sauce Ozei that you Pthouderh. Zaneha chopped green coriander. Serve hot or cold as a kind of hors d'oeuvres, and you can provide next to slices of pita bread. Preparing green beans with oil the ingredients Half a kilo of green beans demilitarized heads, and cut into medium-sized pieces. Two cups of chopped tomatoes coarsely chopped. Onion finely chopped. Teaspoon of minced garlic. Slices of green chili pepper to taste. A quarter cup of olive oil. Lemon juice. Salt and black pepper to taste. Cup of hot water. How to prepare In a pot on the fire Put the quantity of olive oil, onion, garlic, chili, and my heart a little plug. Add the beans and laundered Houhaha with olive oil until slightly wilt, then add a cup Almealsakn mature and leave quietly for a period of forty-five minutes. After the passage of time, add tomatoes and Qlbhe with beans and leave until Tzbk. Tpeleta salt and black pepper and lemon juice. Serve hot with pita bread and other appetizers.

The Ks Iraqi chicken from fast food popular in the Republic of Iraq, where called in Iraq Ks chicken in the Levant are the same shawarma, which is made up of pieces of chicken fillet with pepper, salt and milk issuance and damage in a special bread, the same shawarma but the Iraqi way, we will give you two ways to work Ks Iraqi chicken. Ks Iraqi chicken Baltahinah Chicken breast clip. A little vinegar any type of vinegar. Three Halva spoon. A little garlic. Red pepper . A pinch of salt. Milk How to prepare Folk cut chicken breasts into strips width finger and then published it three tablespoons of vinegar, and add him another three tablespoons of halva and the same amount of milk, and then we cut two lobes of garlic and a little red pepper and stir with chicken breasts and leave it for three hours to the table as required, then put them in a pot on the fire and add to it a little water and leave to dry water, then add to it a little oil and fry and fry them in oil, then put it in the bread and the damage done and be ready to eat and can be addressed without bread. Ks chicken spices Half a kilo of breast Aldhaj Loose skin and bone. Spices components of a four beads cloves crushed, milled and Hill, lemon juice, vinegar, black pepper, spices shawarma, two lobes of garlic, a little salt, in addition to power and baked potatoes. How to prepare We cut the breasts into strips lengthwise, then put them in a bowl Gmiq and confuse spices with lemon, vinegar, juice and then pour the chicken pieces and the volatility well and then left to soak for three hours, or four hours, and then we get the frying pan and Preheat the oil, one teaspoon, then halves cut chicken from Aletbilh, and put them in the pan and volatility on both sides until golden golden tends to red, then cut the potatoes into pieces in slices and brush with oil and sprinkle with the salt and then put it in the tray and still fit the oven to grill and take a golden color, and then we cut green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, then our Baltahinah with the mixture, salt, lemon juice, yogurt along with chicken strips.

Mandi meat way, The modus operandi of Mandi

Mandi dish famous dishes from the Gulf and especially in Yemen, and is a component of a bowl of rice and can be cooked with meat or chicken with. Mandi and the idea of ​​a dish that is cooked the meat using heat and not directly on the fire. The following is the modus operandi of Mandi dish with meat. Ingredients 2 kg of lamb. 5 cups of rice. Water. Butter. 1 grain of tomatoes. 1 onion grain of a large size. Lome or my sleep. Salt to taste. 2 tbsp food from Bharat Mandi. How to prepare After that cut off all lamb to medium size pieces, nationalist doing some cracks and crevices must be widescreen. Bring a pot and Put the 2 tablespoons of butter soft food, and then add the spices and Mandi have Akhltiha well, and then put these national incisions in the meat mixture. National roll the pieces of meat with aluminum foil and then put them in a tray, and i come to the oven was preheated to a temperature of 205 ° C for approximately half an hour, and then nationalist reduce the oven temperature to become 175 ° C for 2 hours and Take meat broth resulting . Bring saucepan and Put the meat broth and put it on the fire of the center, and then add all of the rice and the amount of appropriate water and the chopped tomatoes and onions section segments and a single grain of Lummi, and after the water boils national coverage amount and Lower the fire and Leave that the rice is cooked. Bring as much rice and Put some onions with some butter in the center of fate and then my bits over the rice away from the center and then Ohali Fahma and put them in the center over the butter, and leave the fate closed for about 10 minutes, and then Drain Alvhmh and my feet dish.

Mandi famous in the Arab Gulf and Yemen dishes, it served events and banquets, and be prepared with chicken or meat Zarb in a way where the rice situation and it meat Oodigaj covers Acomer dust, called Mandi this name as a result of the meat placed over rice where you start pieces of meat downloaded drops of fat on rice and Tendeth, and gain a wonderful taste, and you Madam way Mandi detailed preparation steps. the ingredients Chicken cut into quarters, you can add the amount depending on the number of persons. Four cups of rice long-grain soaked and filtered from the water. Chopped onion to the wings. Five cloves of garlic. Mtaibat correct (Love Hull, cinnamon sticks, nail Audin) Two tablespoons of ground spices and Mandi Tjdenha the Attar. A cube of chicken stock. Saffron drenched with water added a little Mealord, you can use food stained with yellow and orange color. Fahma, and a little olive oil. Two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Six cups boiling water. Frying chicken mixture components Two tablespoons of milk. Two tablespoons of vinegar. Two tablespoons of olive oil. Lemon juice. Teaspoon of minced garlic. A spoonful of warm spices Mandi. How to Setup Start cleaning the chicken well with salt and lemon, and soaked with vinegar. The tip of a sharp knife Naughty occasional cracks in the chicken pieces. In a pot on the fire Put a little olive oil, then add the chicken pieces and onion slices and garlic cloves and correct Almtaibat mentioned above. Houha chicken Athmr even a little, and acquires Almtaibat flavor added to it. Add the chicken to the amount of water and leave until completely cooked over low heat for one hour. Planer after doing the chicken broth and adding salt cube of chicken stock to enhance the taste. Ancla broth of boiled chicken and gravy liquidation of the national refinery soft wire until get a broth net. Put the chicken in a special tray and oven roasting chicken mixture Mix all ingredients together and rinsing the national Thmirh oven chicken and even acquires a reddish color. In another saucepan, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and add a spoonful of Bharat Mandi, then add the rice. My heart rice with a little oil until Atahmass, then add the chicken broth drained and need four cups of rice long-grain to six cups of gravy. Close the pot and leave the rice simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Before completely flush rice five minutes add the saffron rosewater Bnqah slightly diluted with water, you can replace it with slightly stained with food from the water dissolved and distributed randomly on the surface of the rice. Turn off much again without stirring until the rice Atnschw entirely of rice broth. National Stir the rice and you'll get white and yellowish-orange yellow italics rice. National status roasted chicken pieces in a pot of rice on the face, and the middle of much doctrinaire small hole my situation where a piece of tin (paper foil), put inside Fahma brazier and a little olive oil, and shut the pot immediately even acquires rice and chicken flavor barbecue, leave it for a quarter of an hour. Mandi national rice poured in a flat dish and cut it Ozei chicken, raisins and Fancy fried, and roasted nuts and feet next to the hot sauce Aldqos salon and vegetables chicken stock. Aldqos hot sauce the ingredients Cup of tomato, peeled and cut into halves. Onion, cut into halves. Five cloves of garlic, peeled and section. Hot green pepper to taste. Teaspoon of crushed chilli. Tablespoon lemon juice. A teaspoon of salt. Tablespoon of vinegar. Tablespoon of olive oil. Salt to taste. How to Setup In Alkhvaq Alkahrabaia Put all sauce ingredients Aldqos and national Bkhvgaha until you get a smooth mixture. Pour the mixture in a pot on the fire and then national Baghlia. Aldqos Pour sauce in small pots and feet next to Mandi. You can add a tablespoon of tomato paste to enhance the color. Salon vegetables, chicken stock the ingredients Cup of squash section of the circles. Cup of sliced ​​carrots section of the circles. Cup of pumpkin cubes clip. Chopped onion to the wings Julian high. Four cups of chicken broth, you can use broth cubes. Mtaibat correct as they are added (Love Hull, nail sticks, sticks learners, Laura paper, black) pepper. Tablespoon of olive oil. Lemon juice. Salt and black pepper to taste. Parsley for garnish. How to Setup In a pot on the fire add the olive oil, onions, my heart until the onion wilts and changes color. Add the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin) my heart vegetables with a little oil. Add the correct Almtaibat and Qlbhe with vegetables. Add the chicken broth and the ingredients are all my heart and leave the vegetables over low heat for half an hour until cooked perfectly. After maturing vegetables Add lemon juice, parsley and salt are doing and black pepper. Alsalonh my feet next to a side dish and sauce Aldqos Mandi. You can add a little Alsalonh in Mandi. Great choice in the preparation of Mandi You can marinade islands on the surface of Mandi situation and are prepared Berh five heads of carrots and put them in a saucepan with the onion Aljulian of gossip, and pinch of cinnamon and cardamom, it is Tchouh ingredients until wither on fire and decorated by Mandi. You can set up Mandi oven the same way, and are cooking process in the oven with the roasting chicken and add it to him and put him Fahma brazier to acquire the barbecue flavor. You can set up his salon vegetables present any types of vegetables you have, you can diversify into additions to it as you want. Preferably when preparing Mandi add chicken skin and fat remains until rice is of great taste. You can add some pieces of automatic lamb if you wish to prepare Mandi meat. You can some of the onion slices and lemon mode when you put Alvhmh Mandi to acquire the smell of barbecue and distinctive flavor. You can soak a little saffron water Kadi, a liquid-like rose water, is the distillation of Mandi in the Gulf countries and Yemen to earn a distinctive flavor. You can three heads of onions and wrapped a little flour and cutting Thmerha oil until you get a sliced ​​onion Julian crispy, and you can distribute them to face Mandi meat during the presentation.

How do I use the microwave, Action Konafa cheese

Known as microwave ovens cooking appliances using electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging in length from one meter of Mega Hz rays down to short-rays of one millimeter. Microwave ovens, household machines are complex, and it can be difficult to use if you are new to users. Steps to use the microwave You should read the attached brochure and the promise of instructions and safety warnings carefully; because there are a lot of things you need to know in this little booklet. When you run the microwave Do not connect a lot of electrical appliances in your home at once, as this may cause power outages; because the microwave needs a lot of electricity. Determine the time required for cooking, and here you have to wrap the private key in the microwave in a clockwise direction until you are offered a screen that identifies the time required by the number pad in the microwave, the type the desired number of minutes desired seconds and number as well, and when you are finished setting the time Press "cook" button in order to not run the microwave. You know some of the following key observations: Cook potatoes in the microwave, and this varies according to the amount of potatoes to be cooked according to their quality and that was sweet potato or other types of potatoes; because each type needs a different temperature and time of various cooking depends on the selected potatoes force. You can heat the food residue on the low temperature in the microwave. Coffee and milk in the heating medium heat with attention to time carefully so as not to drag on the length of time until the milk retains its benefits. The temperature of the microwave to cook the food is very high, and it is evident when heating candy "Almarschmlo", a dessert made from gelatin which turns into a liquid very rapidly when you put it in the microwave. The cook vegetables in the microwave before frying you can get vegetables soft on the inside and the outside of the toaster without having to burn them from the inside and the loss of flavor and nutritional properties. You can cook popcorn in the microwave by placing them in ready-made pillow cases or in a covered pot with a little oil. If you do not hear the sound of pop popcorn microwave sooner you stop and read the instruction manual that was supported by the microwave popcorn cooking or not. During popcorn cooking process is preferred to separate mature berry berry aside from immature to ensure that the burning of the maturity of them. Overall, the popcorn cooking Pttalb high temperature to maintain the humidity inside the grain of corn, which is working on a version Astewaiha and pop sounds of which, unlike low-temperature working to pull moisture and thus damage the corn kernels. How heated microwave food Microwave ovens penetrate and generate heat in the food depth, in contrast, almost all other cooking methods of reaching the heat to only the surface as is the case in cooking, either through (roasting) or cooking by steaming or by oil (frying), or boiling water or by barbecue . Microwave ovens operate on the cooking of "inside-out" by reaching out to the essential ingredient for food with cooking throughout the food at once no matter what the thickness of the food, so the microwave generally can not cook food that does not contain large amounts of water. In order to do something to heat the food in the microwave, we sprinkled a little water to more than a minute before you put it in the microwave and put a glass of water with it in the microwave, and this will help to maintain the microwave from exhaustion and damage it. Microwave ovens by many of the hot and cold spots depending on the waves, so the rotor disc or saucer, which is inside the microwave reduces this problem by passing the food to the hot and cold spots. Warnings Do not use the microwave cooking utensil; because microwave ovens is dedicated to it so you can not cook traditional metal kitchen tools, they might burn and damage the microwave, or may be in the process of oxidation is very negative with the topic of food inside. Do not try to cook the recipes that require a lot of water, such as pasta in the microwave; because they are not well cook in the microwave. Moreover, the cooked the traditional way takes less time, and the maturity of the food largest cut food into small pieces quickly, preferably before cooking use a fork to puncture foods her peel such as potatoes; because these holes allow the passage of steam through it. We realize that there are ways rely on just heating cooking from outside the article of food is not up to the rear, while in the microwave, the heat flow to the inner layers, in the microwave can not get more than 212 degrees hotter Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius) even in places which has been heated, it does not rise to more than this class. It is very important not to heat the food containing milk, such as hot chocolate at elevated temperature; because the milk has been separated from the chocolates and therefore can not be repaired, and in liquid foods such as soup can be cooked well in the heat of higher levels because they are unbearable heat. The only type of furnace that keeps the food form from the outside at the same time working to ripen from the inside are microwave ovens, unlike the suit pressure reached temperatures to a depth of food and time is extremely fast but it does not maintain in the form of food from abroad because they do not stop at a certain temperature, such as microwave. You have to know the side effects of other methods of cooking, such as frying, smoking or chard, the first of these effects that these traditional methods do not add any flavor so you add all the spices to the food before or after cooking, and some cooking methods based on the addition of water to food, such as chard lose nutrients vitamins and thus lose their nutritional value, is generally all that is drought-prone nutrients Requiring covered by plastic sheeting with a few holes to prevent steam build-up, but if there was a severe elements drought you to add only a little water and cover these nutrients. Some ways of cooking dried outer layer of foodstuffs such as reddening unlike microwave oven that cooks food from the rear. You should always remember that every food we intend to enter into microwave certain movement degree until we get the desired result from heating or cooking via microwave, though this degree increased from alone certainly will not get good results, it has exposed the food to burn and corruption, must therefore pay very close attention to the point temperature and time as well.

Kunafa of sweets that have been able to be very popular in most of the Arab countries, specifically in both the Levant and Egypt, where you find a lot of shops that is keen to always provide a kick roads, and vary preparation Kunafa ways also exist four kinds of them, namely: Kunafa soft: is a cut dough soft Kunafa made of flour "BASS", Kunafa coarse: with a component of the high and long vermicelli surface, Kunafa brominated: It is a high and long noodles are formed pipes or fingers are stuffed with cheese, Kunafa perplexing: a mixture of Kunafa coarse and Kunafa Alnaamh.olthouder different varieties of homemade Kunafa offer you an exclusive range of those recipes. Kunafa cheese the ingredients 500 grams of cheese scheduled Akawi 500 grams of paste Kunafa, Mufrokh 250 grams of butter Distance: Water, the amount of cup One cup of sugar Lemon juice, a tablespoon amount How to Setup We start by soaking the cheese Akawi scheduled in the water for three hours to remove the salinity of them and work on desalination, to be filed after the completion of the water and put it in the refinery to its liquidation. To prepare the country put as much or pot on the fire contains both sugar and water with stirring, and when we notice that the mix has begun to boil we add the lemon juice, orange blossom water with the addition of the strength of the country when it becomes heavy, to put it aside when finished. Chinese used to brush the bread with butter Kunafa, and then prepare a paste Kunafa Mufrokh and we rub, put it in Chinese. Later we enter the Chinese Kunafa the oven to fry aspects, and then take it out when you're done. Cut the cheese and put up Kunafa, where still fit back into the oven until the cheese melts. When the cheese melts Kunafa pull tray out of the oven, and We turn them over in a flat tray where the diameter is poured above the record previously. Soft Kunafa Ingredients: Cup of flour 2 cups of fine semolina A tablespoon of baking soda A tablespoon of baking powder A tablespoon of yeast A tablespoon of salt 2 tbsp of sugar Tablespoon and a half of food dye, color orange A glass of water as needed Three-quarters of a cup of melted margarine Stuffing 900 grams of cheese Akawi 3 tablespoons sugar 125 ml of cream big spoon of flowers water 2 tablespoon of melted margarine, fat Chinese are doing For decorating, Pistachio grinded Diameter How to Setup We put all of the paste of semolina, sugar and flour in a bowl, and then add them baking soda, Albekeanj powder, salt and yeast with confusion. Later we add the water gradually with kneading and that through the use of hand-held, to be from then put the dough in the tray be flat, covered with a towel or a dry towel, and leave it aside for an hour of time. When the dough ferments, still fit into the oven for a quarter of an hour from time. When finished go out Chinese from the oven, and let cool until a few. We break down the dough, and then Nkhaltha in prepared food, that Ntahn all our existing quantitative well. After completion of the milling process we add ghee with mixing, and then add food dye with confused again. Later brush the baking tray with obesity are well distributed, with the addition of a mixture of Kunafa and then distribute it well, with a stack them well also to all parties. To prepare the filling put all of the cream, cheese and sugar in a bowl, and then add the orange blossom water and kneading well. Add the charge to Kunafa with distribution, and then still fit Alai oven again for a quarter of an hour from time. After Kunafa output from the oven while still hot, working on her heart in another tray with the same size, and then add the diameter and then decorate them with pistachio. Kunafa cream the ingredients Ingredients for the dough: 100 grams of margarine 500 grams of paste Konafa, soft 100 grams of vegetable butter Stuffing: One-third cup of fine semolina A box of cream A quarter cup of sugar 2 cups of liquid milk Teaspoon vanilla Distance: 3 cups sugar Teaspoon rose water Teaspoon of orange blossom water Teaspoon of sour Asarallimon A cup and a half of water For decorating: 4 tablespoons of ground pistachios How to Setup To prepare the dough, add each of obesity and butter to Kunafa in the tray, and then put it on the backburner and Nkulaiha that Ishqr color, to be raised from the fire when finished. To prepare the filling, mix and cold milk, semolina, half cream and sugar tray, stirring well over medium heat, and before that the mixture begins to boil we add the vanilla while continuing stirring until we have the strength similar to the strength of cake dough. When you have finished raise the charge for the fire, and put them in a bowl and set aside until Nbard.kma You can also prepare the filling before a night of it and put it in the fridge for the next day. We of Qatar to add the sugar, stirring well, Wen then put them on the fire and stirring is continued, and by boiling the country put him all of rose water, orange blossom water and lemon juice, stirring until boiling. It is then let it simmer for 5 minutes after boiling to become From then ready diameter of in ​​a circular tray or rectangular, we put half the amount of dough, and then above the full amount of cold filling, and followed by the constituent of the rest of the cream tray class, to be in the last class put the rest of our other half the amount of dough. 5. Bake tray Kunafa cream to heat 170, that the fry from the bottom, and then baked to move from the top to the fry. When finished go out Kunafa cream tray out of the oven, the monument from then diameter and dissemination pistachio ground. Kunafa Nabulsih the ingredients 500 grams of soft dough Kunafa Cup of obesity, thawed and very warm 500 grams of cheese Akawi 100 grams of mozzarella cheese Almbroc Distance: 2 cups sugar And a quarter cup of water A teaspoon of lemon juice Pistachio, after grinding How to Setup Akawi the beginning of the cut cheese into small pieces, and then Nnqaha in water for a whole night, taking care to change the water every two hours. The next day half the cheese from the water well, and then Nehrsha and confuse with mozzarella cheese. Kunafa wringing, through the use of hand with obesity well, divide the dough and then divide the dough into two parts the first quarter of the quantity, and the second three-quarters of the amount. Later we put a tablespoon of pigment powder Kunafa and that the largest amount of dough section, with rubbing to be distributed where the well, with individual batter later in the tray, with the pressure well through the use of hand-held. Manfred dough layer in the Chinese cheese mixture with pressure on the surface of the dough, sprinkle with the remaining quantity of dough a quarter. Enter the Chinese Kunafa Nabulsih to the oven, on the bottom and it entertained at 180, taking care to rotate the tray Kunafa located inside the oven 5 minutes, with continued rotation Chinese oven 5 minutes. And in the usual way we prepare the country through the boiling sugar with water to become a heavy strength liquid, and set aside to cool. Upon completion of the bread tray Kunafa Nabulsih we heart Kunafa Nabulsih in your saucer Apply, with the country poured cold over it, and decorate it with ground pistachio.

Remember way garlic, Mandi cooking method

Garlic, one of the materials that are indispensable in the preparation of some food items and authorities, it adds good flavor to food dishes, except for it contains vitamins and minerals benefit the body in the treatment of many diseases, especially the prevention of winter diseases, purify the blood of toxins, and is considered Garlic of vegetables which I found an old since ancient times, garlic has been mentioned in the Koran, Valthom food is very useful to be kept in the kitchen, and there are many ways to save the garlic of corruption and save it for a longer time. Remember garlic in a dry place In this way it is saved garlic hanging in the far from the sun place and ventilate the occasion, and the best place for this method is saved next to the kitchen window or hung inside the storage room, if exposure to the sun often lead to injury garlic pills drought and will change color to yellow, and are saved garlic suspending all by placing a number of garlic heads in bags allow the passage of air and not in a closed bag pores, and old and in the villages when picking a full implant garlic is retained leg any green sweat hanging by the garlic head and is linked to a number of packets and put in place allows air its passage. Remember garlic refrigerator The refrigerator is a good place for food preservation, so when there are large amounts of garlic we peel garlic pills well and put in a bowl or plastic portfolio, and when the garlic peeled situation it is necessary to leave the three centimeter of the enclosure cover distance, and are garlic, peeled surface of the cover with a tissue and then closes the container or preservatives well, this method facilitates the intake of garlic cooking for a limited period of time, and recommend that you opened the box after a good coverage of even the smell of the refrigerator does not become full of the smell of garlic. Remember garlic in strawberries When you save the garlic in the freezer should be Makecra not placed in shell as it is in the fridge, this method is very wrong must stay away from them because they spoil the garlic which becomes without smell and taste, and the benefit of keeping the garlic, and for this reason should peeling garlic when you put it in the freezer. When peeling garlic can be placed in bags sealed and in small servings, where per bag can include twenty bead, and closes the bag well and placed in the freezer, the other way is grinding garlic in a blender with a tablespoon of corn oil and add a little salt, and can be saved in bags or in plastic clipboard, and move away from the jar glass so as not to be broken when you open it, when you place crushed garlic in bags must be well discharged from the air and then close the well and placed in a freezer, and also saves the garlic in a plastic container and is placed tablespoon of oil on the face Garlic ground and kept in the freezer, and when in use are handling it according to need and closes well.

Mandi is one of the tastiest popular dishes that are spread among the people, especially in the Arabian Peninsula, as these eaters her popularity and spread There is very large, component, basic rice and is one of the components desired by most people, and rice from more dishes that convergence prevalent even in all parts of the world. Out of Mandi is from Yemen and specifically of Hadramawt, which lies to the east of Yemen, as well as its spread in the Arab Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, it also spreads in all of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, this here is a recipe work Mandi. Mandi-making recipe: Mandi amounts: Two kilograms of lamb Two cups of rice Four cups of meat broth A quarter cup of chopped onion Mlaakh one of cardamom Bay leaf Pine and almond or any other type of nuts or desired decorations Vegetable oil Salt Pepper. Mandi preparation method: The pot is put on the fire, then wash the meat Honor too good to ensure that the output of all germs and disease-causing organisms and which they are located Valhamh of more Notifiable tankers seriousness that did not improve the handle, then pour water over the meat and is within the amount then placed cardamom and bay leaf, and are left to mature on the fire. Then and then it is filtered after maturation and put gravy on the side. Then soak warm water rice, then we liquidate rice from the water, then vegetable oil is placed in the pot and then the onion is placed above it and be moved with the oil well and then add the laurel and cardamom paper, then add salt and pepper, then put the meat on top of onions and Nhrkh and then put the rice and gravy is placed over the mixture, and after the maturity of rice and boiling is placed on the backburner, and after the maturity of rice turn off the fire from underneath it and ignite Fahma in a dish and placed over the rice which is inside the dish and placed above two points from the oil and then all of which are covered with paper tin, Bdguetatha Ntekha covered for 10 minutes, until the imbibing of the smell of meat, rice and then placed in a serving dish and it cohesion, and are decorated with ornamental desired, whether pine or almond or any other type of ornamental types.

10 tricks in the preparation of food, Method of roasting chicken

Tricks in the preparation of food Combustion turkeys Do not worry madam The turkey arrived in combustion or color became dark; because the solution exists, you just need to Tsakba some of Mrgueth it (available around the water) and then national Ptqchireh and cut into slices, if asked by a family member or guests where skin turkey. . nationalist remind him about the harmful effects of turkey skin that you read on the Internet, and it is the health of your parents is eating the skin. Lack of baking soda You can use baking powder when needed instead of using baking soda or vice versa; Fbodrh bread dough helps to bulge as required, it is also possible that swells the dough, but the taste remains good. Increase salt in food I am erred appreciation and got too much salty soup: If you have a potato raw, nationalist dumped in the soup, so by putting the potatoes in a clean cloth are ventilation such as sweet fabrics, Arbtiha to Tsttiein out; where it will work to absorb the salt completely Vatrkiha boil with the soup, and after you have finished cooking you can remove them. Forget about bringing milk You can use milk instead of milk, a tablespoon or two tablespoons of lemon juice or distilled vinegar, add to milk acid it is inadequate, and is excellent in baking bread, or to soak the chicken before frying .. and on here is the use of milk for the purpose of processing the food, not the milk uses other; Kony keen understanding of the information well. Not bulge dough You should always pay attention to the bakery for fear of being burned, if made of bread into the oven, and found that he did not swell to the extent required Leave in the oven until tends to golden color, then Okhreign from the oven, and national Finely chop, and add to it some oil, garlic and herbs of your own, and so you can eat it or placing it with the soup. Use dried herbs If the recipe which you will be asked prepared need fresh herbs and your existing are Dried herbs nationalist adding half the required amount; dry her an herbal more than fresh concentrated flavor. For example, if asked in the recipe big three tablespoons of fresh herbs Put a tablespoon and a half of dried herbs. Forget melt the butter Ki butter Tveba rapidly, national Ptkotaiaha into small cubes, and leave at room temperature, and if I finished them Oaidyha of the refrigerator to return as they were. Combustion chicken If the chicken turned to black nationalist skin to disarm him, then pour some of the sauce in addition to taste good, and Bazaltk of the skin, if any, you have not removed the harmful fatty substances with carcinogenic substances found in the burn. Over-cooked vegetables If you forget the vegetables for a long time, and has become soft, add the egg and bread crumbs roasted and spray cheese, then put them oven for 15-20 minutes, and the national Behrs vegetables and add the broth, garlic, and some of my favorite herbs you, and put them in cubes for use with the soup. Too hot meal If a hot meal there are many ways to tame the heat, including: the use of milk and butter, and you can add warm meal a little sugar or honey or vinegar or lemon, and eat into its own rice or mashed potatoes or pasta.

Chicken fried dish favored by the whole family, young and old, because tastes delicious and shape scrumptious, also features chicken as a health food because it contains protein that helps build muscle in addition to vitamins, so doctors and nutrition experts recommended capturing, and multiple ways of eating chicken can be eaten boiled or fried or grilled, in this article I will describe two traits and Shahytin for oven roasting chicken. Reddish orange chicken the ingredients Chicken cleaned with water and vinegar and cut off from half longitudinally. Tablespoons of butter, or vegetable oil. Half a cup of orange juice. A tablespoon of honey. half a small spoon of salt. A quarter of a teaspoon of mustard powder. Quarter teaspoon sweet paprika powder. Overpack orange. Overpack orange components: TWO tablespoons of orange or three medium beads juice. Two tablespoons of butter. Tablespoons of honey. Alnglevh work method: Keep the butter in a frying pan to the fire to melt, then add the honey. Stir well honey to become Rjoa then add the orange juice. Leave the mixture on low heat uncovered that condenses mix of twenty to twenty-five minutes. We are raised from the fire and leave aside. How to prepare Cut the chicken in half longitudinally. In a bowl, mix butter, honey, orange juice, mustard and paprika with Overpack orange. Netball chicken Baltglevh well and leave for two hours or more. Keep chicken coated tin tray (for easy cleaning). Ngtih also tin, put it in a preheated oven of thirty to forty minutes or until it sits (Check the thigh of chicken to see the degree of maturity of the chicken). Then raise the tin and Nglv chicken with another layer of Alnglevh and leave to Athmr without coverage. Muffil served with rice with vermicelli. Roasted chicken with lemon and thyme It is a mixture of lemon and thyme mixtures distinctive in the Arab kitchen because of its distinctive taste and smell beautiful fills the house. the ingredients Hen cleaned and cut as desired. Cloves of garlic grated. A tablespoon of thyme (thyme can be used with sesame). two big spoons of lemon juice. Half a teaspoon of salt, or to taste. Workshop ground black pepper. A tablespoon of vinegar. Tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil. How to prepare Mix all ingredients well with some. Soak the chicken mixing thyme two hours or we can leave the dazzling chicken in the fridge for the next day. Preheat the oven and then put the chicken in the oven coated tray and cover it (preferably reddening chicken from the bottom first and then ignite the grill from above, this will help reduce the time frying). Leave it for twenty or thirty minutes to make sure of the degree of maturity through the thigh of the chicken lose. Cover and guest Nhmrh Bahawaah. Serve with rice or yogurt salad with fried potatoes option.

Orthodontics Slims, What is sodium bicarbonate

Many people wonder about the subject of Orthodontic Is slims the body or face only Slims. Orthodontic never Slims All times are first thing Bnrkpo Bnhs Bshi strange Pfmna with a little pain, and the whole subject does not need more than two days to three days and then hide a lot of pain and the presence of Bntaud Calendar inside our mouth. And Bnasir extend Edna and entrust normal. But the people you love and take advantage of this thing Yuklo Ashan Anhvo Bs Ehna entrust us. And every month to visit the dentist clinic Calendar go back to flatten feel the pain of a new two or more days and then hide his pain and Bnerja get used to it. He says Acanuto drink any fluids soups, extracts and whole cake and ice cream during this Alolh days to compensate for eating. And Orthodontic affects the characters any affect on the exits of the letters from person to person also.

Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound consists of a single molecule of it from three atoms of oxygen and carbon atom and a hydrogen atom and atom sodium, and of the names also sodium hydrogen carbonate, and also sodium carbonate acidic, and also known by the name of baking soda, and the reason behind it that of the main uses for this compound is used in the production of bread is the compound responsible for blowing the dough and are due to liberation of carbon dioxide compound when baking bread and gas, which is working on inflatable dough. Sodium bicarbonate is produced in the laboratory by adding regular sodium carbonate, which is called the ashes of soy to carbon dioxide and water and by conducting a chemical reaction turning the sodium carbonate to sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is used today on a large scale in the production of bread and sweets such as cakes templates spongy (cake), as well as in the mush industry, as compound calcium bicarbonate is used in medicine, and was anti-acidity drug industry of it, as well as drug dealing acne, uses sodium bicarbonate as well as in detergents and soap industry and some of the cosmetics industry, is also used in fire extinguishers that rely on carbon compounds property in the fire. Sodium bicarbonate in the form of a white crystalline powder material (its shape is similar to salt food) density of 2.25 grams per cubic centimeter, is soluble in water and Maibath up to 10 grams per 100 ml of water. Try to well differentiate between sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, all that we have mentioned above for sodium bicarbonate, and sodium carbonate, which is called soda ash Fitrkp molecule which of three oxygen atoms and carbon atom and two atoms of sodium and does not contain hydrogen at all, a different material completely different sodium bicarbonate and also their use, they are involved in the glass industry and used in the treatment of fatty blockages in the sewer drainage pipes are also used in industrial Kmacl paper industry.