mardi 3 novembre 2015

Remember way garlic, Mandi cooking method

Garlic, one of the materials that are indispensable in the preparation of some food items and authorities, it adds good flavor to food dishes, except for it contains vitamins and minerals benefit the body in the treatment of many diseases, especially the prevention of winter diseases, purify the blood of toxins, and is considered Garlic of vegetables which I found an old since ancient times, garlic has been mentioned in the Koran, Valthom food is very useful to be kept in the kitchen, and there are many ways to save the garlic of corruption and save it for a longer time. Remember garlic in a dry place In this way it is saved garlic hanging in the far from the sun place and ventilate the occasion, and the best place for this method is saved next to the kitchen window or hung inside the storage room, if exposure to the sun often lead to injury garlic pills drought and will change color to yellow, and are saved garlic suspending all by placing a number of garlic heads in bags allow the passage of air and not in a closed bag pores, and old and in the villages when picking a full implant garlic is retained leg any green sweat hanging by the garlic head and is linked to a number of packets and put in place allows air its passage. Remember garlic refrigerator The refrigerator is a good place for food preservation, so when there are large amounts of garlic we peel garlic pills well and put in a bowl or plastic portfolio, and when the garlic peeled situation it is necessary to leave the three centimeter of the enclosure cover distance, and are garlic, peeled surface of the cover with a tissue and then closes the container or preservatives well, this method facilitates the intake of garlic cooking for a limited period of time, and recommend that you opened the box after a good coverage of even the smell of the refrigerator does not become full of the smell of garlic. Remember garlic in strawberries When you save the garlic in the freezer should be Makecra not placed in shell as it is in the fridge, this method is very wrong must stay away from them because they spoil the garlic which becomes without smell and taste, and the benefit of keeping the garlic, and for this reason should peeling garlic when you put it in the freezer. When peeling garlic can be placed in bags sealed and in small servings, where per bag can include twenty bead, and closes the bag well and placed in the freezer, the other way is grinding garlic in a blender with a tablespoon of corn oil and add a little salt, and can be saved in bags or in plastic clipboard, and move away from the jar glass so as not to be broken when you open it, when you place crushed garlic in bags must be well discharged from the air and then close the well and placed in a freezer, and also saves the garlic in a plastic container and is placed tablespoon of oil on the face Garlic ground and kept in the freezer, and when in use are handling it according to need and closes well.

Mandi is one of the tastiest popular dishes that are spread among the people, especially in the Arabian Peninsula, as these eaters her popularity and spread There is very large, component, basic rice and is one of the components desired by most people, and rice from more dishes that convergence prevalent even in all parts of the world. Out of Mandi is from Yemen and specifically of Hadramawt, which lies to the east of Yemen, as well as its spread in the Arab Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, it also spreads in all of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, this here is a recipe work Mandi. Mandi-making recipe: Mandi amounts: Two kilograms of lamb Two cups of rice Four cups of meat broth A quarter cup of chopped onion Mlaakh one of cardamom Bay leaf Pine and almond or any other type of nuts or desired decorations Vegetable oil Salt Pepper. Mandi preparation method: The pot is put on the fire, then wash the meat Honor too good to ensure that the output of all germs and disease-causing organisms and which they are located Valhamh of more Notifiable tankers seriousness that did not improve the handle, then pour water over the meat and is within the amount then placed cardamom and bay leaf, and are left to mature on the fire. Then and then it is filtered after maturation and put gravy on the side. Then soak warm water rice, then we liquidate rice from the water, then vegetable oil is placed in the pot and then the onion is placed above it and be moved with the oil well and then add the laurel and cardamom paper, then add salt and pepper, then put the meat on top of onions and Nhrkh and then put the rice and gravy is placed over the mixture, and after the maturity of rice and boiling is placed on the backburner, and after the maturity of rice turn off the fire from underneath it and ignite Fahma in a dish and placed over the rice which is inside the dish and placed above two points from the oil and then all of which are covered with paper tin, Bdguetatha Ntekha covered for 10 minutes, until the imbibing of the smell of meat, rice and then placed in a serving dish and it cohesion, and are decorated with ornamental desired, whether pine or almond or any other type of ornamental types.

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