mardi 3 novembre 2015

The basis of the best cream, Relationship dry face unwell stomach

Cream base Include cosmetic plastic materials used to improve the appearance of the skin and its care and is considered the foundation cream is the main cover which extends to the skin face of what it hides imperfections and improves their appearance. Date of cream base Began using cosmetics cosmetics and creams basically primitive of the year 200 BC, where the ancient Greek women apply white powder lead and chalk to lighten the skin and preferred Romans wealthy paste lead to bleach their skin, men also wore makeup to ease the tone of their skin they used white powder lead and chalk and used all your creams To lighten the skin was creams made ​​up of animal fat, starch and tin oxide. In the Middle Ages in Europe, it was considered unusual for a woman to be a skin pale and was pale indicating a higher social class, unlike tanned women considered low-caste and in the era Elizabethan women were also apply egg white on their faces to create a skin shiny and used white lead, which It led to the death of many men and women because of lead powder. In the 18th century, Louis XV nest made fashionable for men to wear lead powder on their faces, they put dramatists on their faces white base dense. Until we got to the present day Ha and manufacturers of cosmetics and have multiplied on top of the foundation and creams of months now known brands Max Factor and Maybelline and Bourgoas and many others. the color Color can be specified by name or number, letter or any combination of the three, but, in contrast to the colors used in the art and fashion industries We have the largest number of degrees of colors on the basis Bkremat colors and creams basis of a trademark is different to the other and differ in the same brand. Coverage Cover different skin cream basis to another depending on the degree of coverage: Light coverage that gives light only on the skin but it's not mysterious enough to cover freckles and contains a pigment by 13-18%. Medium coverage, covering freckles and red marks left by pimples. Full coverage and is too vague, and used to cover scars and birthmarks and vitiligo Steps to use cream base The application of the basis for the center of your face and then blended to face outside. Use a moisturizer before applying foundation even have your face more moisture and distribute make-up smoothly and evenly. Ideally, it should be the foundation cream gives your skin its natural color and does not constitute a lid on them. The best types of foundation creams Mac Artists prefer often use cosmetics for these Brand Mac offers several different types of the foundation, which works for most types of skin and make-up artists are advised to apply your make-up Pmak at events and TV, but not in everyday life. The best types of cream base of Mac Maxfactor Max Factor is a species of the most prevalent among women and is excellent for everyday use and is not expensive. Maybelline The best types of cream base of the brand largely available in Alosoacaltjarah

Do dryness face relationship unwell stomach? May be involved facial skin drought in the cold seasons, and in the chapters of the severe drought, and may become dehydrated skin for reasons satisfactory The imbalance in the metabolic processes and the lack of thyroid activity or lack of secretion of fat caused by the sebaceous glands in the body that contribute to moisturize the skin, and may It is due to diabetes, which is some of the symptoms of dry skin disease And is a stomach medicines cause of dry facial skin, and fall under these drugs diuretic drugs or drugs and the treatment of acne medications also treat allergies It may be as you age a fundamental cause of dry skin, even lower the skin's ability to retain water as a result of thinning of the skin, which means a lack of fat cells that contribute to keep the largest water content in the skin and this is what makes the skin in the elderly prone to wrinkles and more prepared for it And it may cause dry skin also shower very hot water more than once a day, which helps to remove the oily layer that envelops the skin and increase the moisture content in it and the hot water works on vaporization rate of the water in the cells, and this contributes to the dryness own skin after drying face a towel is soft and inappropriate for the face And it is also the wrong habits that contribute to exposing the face of the drought the use of some types of alkaline soap containing ratio of perfume above the rate refreshments And longer exposure to the sun for long periods and exposure to chemicals of the factors helping to drought also And also is the diet disorder and it contains a small percentage of materials that contribute to the moisturizing facial catalyst for dry skin and a private Bhrhaluge

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