mardi 3 novembre 2015

Skin Care for the night, Sagging arms and get rid of it

But going to sleep, Aim to for some time to pamper your skin. If you want to enjoy the skin supple and renewed always, make sure to remove make-up and practice steps stilted care of massage for the face, through the development of night creams, is how all Tsttiein enjoy skin moist, beautiful and free of defects, and above all this Staatmtaan psychological comfort.

Remove make-up No room to neglect this step, and only clean the skin completely benefit from the advantages of Krimallal. Instead of resorting to food, such as wet napkins and water solutions abrasive and makeup, choose a dual milk lotion and cleaning, because this sponsor remove all dirt from the surface of the skin and then purified. Clean eyes carefully, using a damp cotton ball Bmazil special makeup eyes. Apply make-up remover on your fingertips, and Abstih on the face in circular motions, without rubbing the skin vigorously in order to avoid tearing. Wipe the excess then a soft or a paper napkin with a towel, without screwing on the skin. And do not forget the neck and eyebrows Facial massage Facial massage to stimulate blood circulation and prepare the skin to receive the night cream works. Beshra tablet skin gently between thumb and forefinger, that the movement include all parts of the face, so as to activate the tissue. Arise, be gone from the chin first, then Follow the Ellipse line right up to the end of the cheeks and neck. Massage of the area around the eye and then order it gently under Alaann and then towards the temples, using the fingertips. We should note that this massage activated and ultra-easy does not take more than two minutes every night Night creams The night cream is necessary in every business if you have dry skin. This cream becomes necessary after the age of forty to stimulate skin renewal. Only the young and oily skin can only cream the day alone. It should be noted that the current formulations for greasy night cream and a rich and often include the perfume soothing and relaxant. Choose a night cream according to the needs of your skin. If dry, fed you. If she was tired, you choose the cream Anti-Aging. In fact, the essential fatty acids found in moisturisers reduce the loss of water in the upper layer of the skin, while vegetable oils provide nutrients for the skin, so we find the latter soft and bloated when you wake up from sleep. The night creams anti-aging Vthtoa on anti-oxidants, and components for skin tightening and regeneration, and vehicles of vitamins resistance to wrinkles. These are all elements of the revitalization of skin cells during the night to restore its activity and freshness Carefree sleep Avoid sleeping pills and choose instead to the essential oils lavender, chamomile and neroli to remove tension and stimulate sleep. Suffice it to put your few drops of these oils on the pillow or rub Sdgyek before the surrender of a deep sleep.

The sagging arms of one of the most common problems facing especially women, and men in general, this problem occurs often because of the low weight quickly and without scale, this problem and affect the appearance of the woman and the outside man, and their confidence Bnevshma because of the cause of embarrassment to left several Atralat and cracks in the arms In other parts.

Causes sagging arms Losing weight rapidly after doing hard by viruses, or after a link or out of the stomach operation. The great disparity in weight; where increases or decreases rapidly without gradient in it, and be the cause of this disparity is obesity often because it is one of the most important factors that cause the accumulation of fat in the arms area, especially in women; where they lead to stretch the skin and extend, especially in the rear of the arm due to lack of elastic fibers in the body and that occurred because of the weight loss. Some genetic factors; where this case show and clarified in advance at one of the same family members. Treating sagging arms There are several ways in which we can contouring treatment, particularly Lift the arms, but not to get to this stage, we should try to reduce obesity because it is the main cause of this problem, and should exercise in order to help and the emergence of the positive results of treatment, and treatments used for this problem liposuction and fat laser or by Weser; as liposuction accompanied by contraction of the skin in part which helps to tighten the skin, and uses this treatment in cases of light and medium sag, and are made ​​suction usually through a hole close to a diameter of half cm in the annex, any one Pegrzh only . Liposuction about the types of arms Liposuction by scar longitudinal be with the arm length, and used this method to cases of severe sag, and the benefits of this suction that the strain arm fully, giving it form the tubular harmonious beautiful, but the disadvantages that the scar that are on the arm rest phenomenon no matter what the length of the Care out. Liposuction with tightening the skin of the armpit, and used this method to cases of medium sag, and is characterized by the presence of a scar suction 10 cm length are present in the armpit. Liposuction by scar longitudinal strain along with the chest, and used this method to cases of severe sag. Tips to avoid sagging arms Taking into account the weight; so that no more than the normal weight, and in the case of increased gradual reduction means. Girdles pressing the appropriate use of the arm for a month after liposuction; to maintain the consistency of the arm form. Exercise which has an important role in strengthening the muscles of the arms and mitigation of contouring.

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