mardi 3 novembre 2015

Cosmetics, The easiest way to remove hair

Altonik Helps to close the pores and is used after cleaning the skin as an antiseptic and astringent her, also helps to remove dead cells from the face and neck and when you put wet Qatanna little of it and pass on the skin to dry and then put moisturizer cream Cream foundation Cream placed on the basis of skin before you put make-up is distributed on the face and neck and equal manner of forms Cream foundation Alvaondishn -alsail Compact foundation Powder Compact, which shall be the basis of a compressed powder composition with the challenge of gloss, the kind befitting more oily skin or mixed Compact Foundation Cream They are the foundations of between Karim and Albaodr, and this kind slips easily on the skin and gives the skin texture Naamaoicom cover the skin well Powder Bestow beautiful powder on the skin and are placed after the foundation cream make skin and velvet suit and oily skin with skin Wide pores and help keep makeup for a long time and suck the fat away Shines for oily skin and hide impurities and grain and Azwn, also demonstrate the color rouge, Ashdown, and including Powder free and called almond powder Lighting powder used to illuminate the face and under the eyes of the sunshine and the region and placed by air brush Alkoncelr Of the most important things used to face Bmacaiaj evening to hide pimples, spots, dark circles, a varied colors and texture creamy heavy coverage and has five colors Green to cover the red grain brown shading places who do not want to bring it Hedenq aspects such as the nose and down to minimize eye to hide dark circles Beige bold italics to Orange color also put a thin layer on the circles to cover up the first dish using the little finger and hand-held manner possible light patting or use the form Arwag Concealer Light color, light beige puts on light skin and a class of third spots on the dark circles light yellow color tends to be placed on the places that we want to bring it Kazmh nose and cheeks It is possible to use the remains of the foundation cream on the nozzle tray foundation Kkoncelr eye shadow Pack contains a set of late, you can use each color or combination of colors Mtansagan by your dress and your skin there are packs available on only one color and are compressed Tstal polished them in the night and evening weddings Eye Shadow usually means using regular times that do not need to weight in the make-up and without spangle Lalai and Shadow in the form of an excellent and easy pens especially in the daytime and Kherjat light and fit Aktheralambtdiat for ease of use Shadow Lalai best brands are MAC and Lancome and Chanel and Bergoa Liquid eyeliner This kind of kohl is placed around the eye and not within them. There are many species of it either in the form of a pen or brush with cans and minutes. It needs to practice even mastered his painting, it is important to avoid pulling the eyelid when put kohl because the line will be thick and winding when Taatrkin eyelid. Marcath best Lancome Pen eyes Tkahil to eyes Pencil Used to drawn and arranged to give it look nice and tidy Maskrey To prolong and intensify eyelashes Albuleshr Blush is and be on the forms Powder is placed after the foundation and powder cream to add transparent color on the face Apply to face and brushing should get rid of the excess amount outstanding and it prefers not to exaggerate placing In the form of granules give Luna velvet for Cheeks and be used the same way as regular brushing after mixing powder The form of a cream needs to be accurate when you put a dedicated events and placed after the foundation cream Makeup Brushes Alvaondishn brush This special distribution of cream foundation brush on the face and their role is Dharoa is possible because we do without them Powder Brush Keep the powder in the case of non-existence of a sponge own Brush scattering powder And it is used for the scattering of powder on the face and neck and remove residues Brush Alkoncelr And it is used for distribution to Mmcn shadow and light and is necessary especially in the evening makeup Shadows brushes are used for the distribution of shade on the eyelid accurately especially for shade Alsmucy and two of them small and large, are used for the distribution of the large shadow over the entire small eyes and for the distribution of light on the entire mobile eyelid Sponge put shadows are considered as the last touch of the aesthetic finish Macaiajna Boom or the core of sitting And is the last touch of beauty placed where the Alyalchweh

No hair follicles in all parts of the human body except for the hands and feet pages, and include these follicles on the two types: follicles lint, and follicles black hair thick, and when you reach the age of puberty follicles lint start to turn to the follicles thick in some places of the body hair, occurs as a result of to the effect of hormones, particularly male hormones that always breed in this age, especially in males and females as well, but the problem remains in the body of the most important problems of men and women, so in this article we will talk about some easy ways to remove hair. Facial hair removal Shltan There are two ways to remove facial hair, namely: Olive oil way, and where we need to: olive oil soap provided that the Mbchora, and salt coarse food, and a little rose water; where we mix all these components with each other to become like Karim, and placed on the face for an hour or two, and will come down hair automatically . Honey Method: In this method we need a spoonful of honey and we Pferdha on the face for a quarter of an hour, then take a spoonful of flour and put it on the face, and begin the process of rubbing in slow motion for only five minutes, then let the mixture on the face for another 5 minutes without rubbing, then wash face and hair will disappear completely. Remove hair sensitive areas There are several easy ways to remove hair sensitive areas and these ways: When we use a paste of sugar, a sweetness, we have to add to it white wax by grain chickpeas, and when the hair removal Ntla place directly soap olive oil and then we by spraying over the coarse salt, Ndlk junk from the bottom to the top spot for a time frame of a quarter of an hour, then wash the area, With time and repeat the process hide his hair and then disappears completely. Add the green beans to sweet hair removal, this is done by crushing a century and one of the beans well, Ndlk its desired location. Ashes Blackberry: Blackberry burn its branch with the leaves; where we mixes with vinegar and then put it on the desired places after hair removal Ballaoh. Grape gum tree on the rails; where we crush gum and Nmzjh with olive oil, and we scan the desired location after hair removal Ballaoh Ways to stop hair growth We soak chickpeas in water for a period of six hours, then take the water and keep it in the refrigerator, and brush the him on the hands and legs, and every place we want devoid of hair. And continue on it for 3 weeks on a daily basis. We use Saad plant; where we take of the plant powder and add it to a liter of water, and the call of the fire until it boils well, then leave it for a quarter of an hour to soak, and then put it on the body Lye after hair removal for six consecutive days of each month. Brush the body with olive oil; it retards hair growth, even if it has grown to be a light, not thick as before.

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