mardi 3 novembre 2015

Tips odor in the mouth, How to get white teeth with another method

1) eat is cooked for five days. And a half Taaml without at least cook every day. 2) Avoid spicy foods that may be attached to smell the mouth for hours Valoncojh and blue cheese and Alcammbert, garlic, onion and Albestrmp and meat marinated and cheese Roquefort, peace and tuna, oils left in the mouth can be issued odors for up to twenty four hours no matter how you wash your teeth or rinsing the mouth. And leave the liquor coffee residue attached plaque Sunni soft and conjoined teeth and pray the digestive system. And kicks off this unpleasant Allowaih abroad with every exhalation 3) Avoid foods that easily affixed to cause dental caries, such as meat, vegetables and sticky candy, especially viscous ones 4) fasting to clean thy bowels with the use of fresh water and juice Alleomon to remove toxins from the body 5) Wash your teeth and tongue after every meal 6), replace your toothbrush every month after all infectious disease in order to prevent the proliferation of bacteria 7) Use the thread teeth and wash your mouth chlorophyll per day 8) Use the trait wooden teeth-type steam Yu Dent and available in most pharmacies after every meal to massage the spaces between the teeth This is important for the prevention of gum disease 9) Keep a clean brush teeth Vobgaha in the absence of oxygen use in water or grapefruit seed extract grapefruit for less microbes. There are machines to eliminate the bacteria in dental Vrchae operate automatically at intervals during the day Do not use washing liquids mouth trade Most of them do not contain more than taste materials and Sbah and alcohol While it may eliminate the bacteria that cause the unpleasant Ketaraa self bounce back more strongly

Often complain ladies of the problem teeth yellowing and the disappearance of white including color, is it possible dental restoration to its original color and whiteness bright? Offer you in this article some natural tips to get rid of this yellowing, re-white color, and the preservation of teeth in general. Tips to keep the teeth Avoid eating certain foods that work on the teeth color change, including: black tea, and the sauce, coffee, and red fruits such as cherries and grapes; where leave these foods spots on the teeth, and the sauce may leave acids that may help to decay the teeth. But you do not need to leave these foods. Cut down on all of them and try a lot of drinking water then, and wash your teeth after eating these foods directly. For coffee addicts, it is better for them to add a little milk to avoid sediment structure be on the teeth, and to take advantage of the calcium found in milk which benefits the teeth. Stop biting your nails This bad habit can damage your teeth; they make the middle part dissolves from the outside, and increases the fragility of the tooth enamel, making teeth unattractive and uneven. It advised reduction of sweets; they leave dyes, sugars and acids on the teeth, so it is advisable to mitigate them, and then drink a glass of water. Advised to wash teeth three times a day after each meal three minutes Avoid soft drinks; as it makes your teeth look like older; because those very acidic drinks so that they are able to cause melt the upper layers of the teeth. Use parsley leaves; as it is one of the disinfectants teeth, it also gives them look white shine. The salt of natural antiseptics to the teeth; it can remove stains effectively, and can be used as a mouthwash and teeth, and to get good results is recommended to use it twice a week. It advised chewing food well; as some foods contribute to the disposal of sediments which are formed on the teeth, they are considered as a natural cleanser residue and spots that form on the teeth, as it leaves a barrier to protect the surface of the teeth, and these foods: carrots, broccoli, celery, apple . Quit smoking because it causes yellowing of the teeth, bad breath, as well as it increases the risk of cancers of the mouth and gums. It is advised to eat the lettuce is considered one of the best foods for teeth; because it helps to be a protective barrier around the teeth Chewing parsley little of the benefit of your teeth, it also helps to prevent bad breath. Lemon juice works to remove tartar from the teeth Eating chewing gum refreshes the mouth and removes sediment caused by smoking.

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