mardi 3 novembre 2015

Natural recipes for whitening teeth, Whitening teeth in a natural way

Each of us has the color of teeth, such as the skin, there is no color in fixed also rumored that the original is white, but to see the real color of the teeth must persevere on the teeth cleaning for six months so that helps to know the real color of the teeth and to maintain the natural color of teeth is preferred to minimize or move away from the tea coffee, sugar and cigarettes if you are smokers and also soft drinks help in tooth color change and there are ways to get to the color of natural teeth, and there are ways also medical and cosmetic help to get white teeth as a process of laser but have negative damage making the fragile and weak teeth, there are cosmetic materials coating makes white teeth but does not continue for a long time and we will explain natural ways to get the true color of the teeth and Tbbiha and make it shiny Valosinan more than beautiful face that was flat white or vice versa if the yellow and uneven and you known recipes The first way: Ingredients: half a cup of honey and add to it a little bit of toothpaste used to have and use on a daily basis, but the results show and is keen to put a pot sealed so as not to dry out and prefer a little lemon juice helps put on the brush in their brightness The second method: By peeling oranges and drying and grinding the teeth are the result massage and Stphajian And water and milk will help us to strengthen and cleaner teeth bleached milk contains substances and vitamin for the teeth By burning burnt toast and add honey to it, toothpaste, dental wash it for three days to show results An important herbs that help in teeth whitening herb sage process, especially in the process of removing tartar from the teeth by grinding sage leaf and add a bit of salt and rub the teeth are done to reach the desired results And fruits that help the teeth strawberry whitening are grinding the fruit of strawberries with Albaeking powder powder and using a toothbrush wash once a week so as not to cause inflammation of the gums and conclude our conversation them bleed is very important in the teeth whitening process because it contains anti-material microbes also to use the reward rented it For years follow Prophet Muhammad alayhi salat wa salam.

Here are some of the methods of teeth whitening that can be used in the home: 1. Make a paste of lemon juice and salt and put it on the teeth. 2. Rub the inner white part of the orange peel in the distorted teeth to give them a brighter white wonderful. 3.astamla Byakerbonat soda paste with water in a regular basis to remove surface stains from the teeth. 4.astamla bay leaves dried and milled with dried orange peel to whiten your teeth. Currently, people lack patience and time, so are reluctant to pharmacies to buy several ready-made teeth whitening. These include preparing bleached ribbons, bleached and sprinklers, and brush, gel, pastes and bleached. But before the use of such kit, a person must Ptia some instructions to get the full teeth whitening. It is a must to use toothpaste that contains oxygen to clean the teeth because the material contains a reinforcing of the gums and prevents the emergence of allergies. Before also buy several teeth whitening gel containing bleach, you must make sure that the person that the formula contains 21 percent of peroxide Carpmaid center. After using several home teeth whitening, should the person should rinse your mouth Bgsol oral contained oxygen until it gets to a perfect white teeth. Oral Care A quick and easy way and also natural: Put a little bit of natural honey to brush teeth and then place it toothpaste and brushes your teeth naturally and you will notice the whiteness of the first brushing you and repeat as needed A second way possible you will benefit them: Use a clean cloth put them lemon and clear their teeth several times and you will notice the whiteness Trivhakther Usefulness: It is honey mixed with the amount of coal Almtahunlkn sure to have clean coal ((rinse and then dry)) until you go out moisture Tmamaujss brush honey and Alvhmustlahz difference Aellouktokrr these are the same process once or twice a day How to bleaching teeth and get rid of the yellowing teeth naturally Yellowing teeth makes many feel embarrassed when you talk to one, and there are many treatments to bleaching teeth but they are very expensive, and to get rid of the problem of yellowing teeth provide "health day" some tips that will serve you in a natural bleaching teeth and get rid of the yellowing embarrassing you. How to bleaching teeth and get rid of the yellowing teeth naturally: -bad For foods that cause yellowing of teeth, including spices and Ahloy and some drinks such as tea and coffee that increase the presence of a yellow layer on the teeth and with the accumulation may cause tooth decay. Use of bleaching materials for teeth naturally such as sodium bicarbonate and you can put on the toothbrush and wash teeth or put a few of them on your finger and rub the teeth out, but do not Tserfy in that way work a lot so as not to damage the layer of enamel in the teeth, you can bleaching teeth Ballbeckrbunat once a week. Clove effective to get rid of the pain of the teeth and gums as oil also helps to bleaching teeth effectively, only Put clove oil on your finger and Afrckyh on the teeth and gums and then wash your mouth with water after five minutes. Lemon juice helps to remove layers of plaque on the teeth and get rid of Asfrarha only add some tar of lemon juice to brush teeth and Clean Asank out well Noamkink use that recipe every day Fasir lemon powers to bleaching teeth and may lead to the erosion of tooth enamel layer. Hanging of vinegar added to half a cup of water and then wash the mouth and teeth by it Help remove bacteria between the teeth, which cause bad breath as well as it removes plaque from the teeth. A national Behrs Tmrtin of strawberries with a fork and add them three points of lemon juice and rub your teeth out well, Valafraolh contain many natural yeasts that run on natural teeth bleaching, and get rid of the problem of yellowing teeth. Dry orange helps high bleaching teeth effectively, only Put some husks Orange to dry in the sun and then Athaniha my little ones to brush teeth and clean the teeth out well, and can use that recipe a day before going to sleep, it also helps to prevent gum sores. The use of tooth brushing It helps to bleaching teeth in Tabieibh, durable and has many health benefits, including the elimination of periodontal infections and prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth, preventing bad breath. The use of natural recipe for bleaching teeth, a little mixing of Alskrabanny with a pinch of salt and hung from the honey bee and some drops of lemon juice and a little dried orange peel and massaged his teeth well it makes your teeth look threaded like pearls.

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