mardi 3 novembre 2015

Get rid of acne spots, Mixtures to remove dark circles

Acne is the most common skin problems that plague so many people even after her disappearance, the failure of those grains and raised scars on the skin. It appears some drilling or dark spots, where those signs occur on the skin as a result of ill-treatment of acne or neglect, or as a result of coming into contact with the grain, the pressure on them, or be the result of severe skin that leave traces on skin infections. The scars and acne scars are of two types: 1.ndbat colored or dark spots on the skin: a common type suffered by many people. It appears in the form of red or brown marks on the skin after the treatment of acne. 2.ndbat atrophy as a result of some skin parts: a rare type of scars that appear after the treatment of acne as a result of either atrophy of some parts of the skin or inflation. Some colored scars often appear after the treatment of acne, but soon disappear after that. But there are some types of scars that cause some dark spots or pigments on the skin as some dark brown spots or black or some pale white marks that appear on the skin. And those signs may be easy to get rid of them, but it is best treated as soon as possible when they appear to avoid leaving some effects or turn permanent spots on the skin. Unfortunately, the second type of scars resulting from skin atrophy or inflation is not the first as the type, they are usually permanent and difficult to get rid of the effects. Some natural remedies can experience, but opportunities to treat and dispose of fully raised may be weak. Especially, in the case of the old and deep scars. There are many cosmetics and beauty operations that may help to solve such problem, of course, but it costs too much. Among the most important products used to treat these scars are sustainable Alpha Hydroxy Acid (Alpha Hydroxy Acid AHA), a chemical peeled skin. Whenever they are old scars, the less opportunities treated. Therefore, we have to be careful to treat scars and raised rapidly, to ensure access to effective results. Some natural mixtures for the treatment of acne scars: There are some home remedies that may help in the treatment of acne scars and to get rid of dark spots resulting from it is the most important: Natural mixture concentrated vitamin E: The vitamin E of antioxidants, which help to stimulate the production of collagen, a type of protein that maintains the exterior of the skin and works to tighten skin. You can get the necessary amount of vitamin E by eating vitamin E capsules as a dietary supplement. Also available in some Zetc such as wheat germ oil and jojoba oil. Also take into account the non-use of these oils on open wounds or skin ulcers that have not healed completely, it could cause harm. Mix natural lemon  juice: Lemon juice has the ability to lighten the skin, helping to lighten dark spots. But can not be used alone on the skin, some are mixed with other ingredients such as honey or aloe vera to treat scars. Mix natural aloe vera: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to treat skin irritation and redness caused by acne scars. It also helps prevent the appearance of scars sustainable. It is effective in the treatment of acne in all stages from the beginning of his appearance, and even the treatment of scars resulting after treatment.

The most beautiful in the human face, behold, it was a destination that receives this world, and others see it, was the attention to facial be great since time immemorial, and with modern life and requirements of daily duties increased burden on the individual, seeming brands Ttgo the features of overwork and fatigue, and clear this thing of During the dark circles that invade his face from under his eyes, Faiser swab does not have aesthetic and looking for a quick fix. These are some mixtures that help to remove dark circles from under the eyes, and is working to hide. Ice cubes potatoes: Bring half a medium-sized cucumber, half a grain of small-sized potatoes, and national Bbharhama by promising without Takecrehma, and then Ajnehma their positions in a small square-shaped nylon and then Odechlehm in ice cube mold and put it in the freezer, and Astkhaddmah a snowy cube, Massage the surrounding area under the eyes. Tea bags: probably have heard this before, the tea bags faster treatment for black halos and the most common. After evaluating boiling tea, and remove the bags from him Assaa bags in the refrigerator until cool, then rub the area around the eye, and will get rid of dark circles rapidly. Mint: Bring mint leaves and rinse NATIONAL then squeezing them, and use mint juice in the massage area under the eyes, so that you get faster results, Mix mint juice has equal amount of tomato juice. Compresses option: Cut the pill option to petition slices, then put them on your eyes, or Qatanna wet juice option and some points of lemon juice and rub the surrounding area around the eye and repeat the massage three times a day. Almond oil: The almond oil oils of the richest and most commonly used in beauty treatments, Fastkhaddmah cum dark circles and gently massage the national and the job before you go to sleep; because the oil works best time. Vitamins E: Bring vitamin E capsules, which are sold in pharmacies, and Qmoa Pfkha, and took a powder which Vihan and greasy area under the eyes, above the black Halack directly. Tomato juice: Use tomato juice and lemon in equal amounts, and Akhltehma with each other, then grease them the area around the eyes, and repeat the massage twice a day to get strong and quick results. Tablespoons frozen: go in hanging precariously from small-scale to the freezer, then Akhreignma five minutes later, their positions on the Aanenk fast as a solution to the disappearance of swelling eye dark circles, Harta Repeat the process whenever you need it. Turmeric: a more spices readily available, the most commonly used, and is considered an essential component in blends aesthetic, and to get rid of the black whereby Halack national take half teaspoon of turmeric, with half a teaspoon of lemon and a half tablespoon of chickpea flour juice, Akhltehma even made ​​up your dough, Tdaanha on Halack black, for ten minutes, and then remove them national and wash the area with warm water.

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